Public Meetings

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Maryland's Open Meetings Act is a statute that requires many State and local public bodies to hold their meetings in public, to give the public adequate notice of those meetings, and to allow the public to inspect meeting minutes. The Act permits public bodies to discuss some topics confidentially. The Act's goals are to increase the public's faith in government, ensure the accountability of government to the public, and enhance the public's ability to participate effectively in our democracy.

Senate Bill 17, passed by the General Assembly and signed by the Governor during the 2016 Session of the Maryland Legislature, modified certain procedural requirements for meetings conducted by public bodies under the Open Meetings Act. Senate Bill 17 requires that meeting minutes and any audio or video recordings must be retained by the public body for at least 5 years following the meeting and, to the extent practicable, a public body must post its open session minutes of an open session on the public body's website. To that end, minutes of the Maryland Historical Trust Board of Trustees, the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, the Governor's Consulting Committee, the Maryland Advisory Committee on Archaeology, and the Governor's Commission on Maryland Military Monuments open session meetings are included below.

Agendas and Notices for Upcoming Meetings

Minutes, Board of Trustees 2024 Calendar

The Maryland Historical Trust is governed by a 15-member Board of Trustees, including the Governor, the Senate President, and the House Speaker or their designees, and 12 members appointed by the Governor. The Board meets bi-monthly.

Minutes, Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA) FY 2024/FY 2025 Meeting Schedule

The Maryland Heritage Areas Program is governed by the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA) and administered by the Maryland Historical Trust. MHAA generally meets quarterly.

Minutes, Governor's Consulting Committee (GCC) Meets twice a year or as needed

This Committee was formed in 1967 to carry out duties delegated to the State following passage of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (P.L. 89-665). The NHPA requires the State to nominate properties to the National Register of Historic Places. These nominations must be reviewed by the Consulting Committee before they are submitted to the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. Appointed by the Governor, Committee members serve four-year terms.

Minutes, Maryland Advisory Committee on Archaeology (MACA) Meets quarterly

The Committee advises and assists the MHT Office of Archaeology and reviews policies, plans, rules, and regulations concerned with archaeological matters. The Committee's seven members are appointed to three-year terms by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate.

Minutes, Governor's Commission on Maryland Military Monuments Meets at least twice a year

The Governor's Commission on Maryland Military Monuments, administered by the Department of Planning, consists of up to seventeen volunteer members appointed by the Governor who bring military, historical, business and government expertise to the important work of safeguarding monuments to Marylanders. The Commission meets at least twice a year.

Minutes, Redevelopment of Historic Government Complexes Steering Committee

Created during the 2019 legislative session with the passage of SB741, the Steering Committee was charged with conducting a study of obstacles to and opportunities for the redevelopment of historic real property formerly owned by state and federal government agencies. The Steering Committee sunset with completion of the report Advancing the Preservation and Reuse of Maryland’s Historic Properties.

The Steering Committee was reconvened in 2021 to make recommendations to the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) and the Maryland Department of Commerce (Commerce) based on the findings of the 2020 report and sunset at the end of 2021.

Public Information Act requests should be sent to the Department of Planning, Director of Communications.