Hirsch Residence (HA-2290), Harford County. Photo by Sarah Vonesh, EHT Traceries.
Historic Contexts
A historic context is a format or method of organizing information about related historic properties
into manageable units based on a theme, geographical limits, or chronological period. A historic
context might encompass the development of an area, taking into account its history, architecture,
archaeology, engineering, and culture. It also might identify associated property types that relate
to the context. Establishing a historic context increases the reliability of decisions made concerning
the identification, evaluation, registration, and treatment of historic properties. More information
about the role of historic contexts in the research and survey of cultural resources can be found
in our Standards and Guidelines
for Architectural and Historical Investigations in Maryland.
All historic contexts held by MHT are available in the library and can be searched in our
online library catalog.
The library is open to the public on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays by appointment only. For
further information or to schedule an appointment, contact Lara Westwood by email
at lara.westwood@maryland.gov, or by phone at (410) 697-9546.
A National Register of Historic Places Multiple Property Submission is a type of historic context document
that serves as the basis for evaluating the eligibility of related properties. All completed Maryland
Multiple Property Submissions can be accessed on our
National Register search page.
The following is a select list of historic contexts that are available in digital format. We hope to have
more contexts available online in the near future.
Final Survey Reports
Final survey reports represent the culmination of survey, i.e. the process of identification and gathering of data on a
community’s historic resources. It includes a field survey, the search for and recording of historic resources, a
summary of pre-survey planning and background research, and the establishment of a historical overview of the project
area to document the broad patterns of a community’s historical development that will be represented by its historic
resources. Like historic contexts, all final survey reports produced in conjunction with MHT are housed in the MHT
The following is a select list of final survey reports that are available in digital format.
Please be sure to also search our online library
catalog for a full record of these reports. Digital copies of research resources can
be provided as available.