James Stephenson House, Enslaved Quarters
Harford County (FY24 African American Heritage Preservation Program, $119,000)
Located within Susquehanna State Park, the 18th-century James Stephenson House includes
one of the few documented freestanding enslaved quarters on public land. Funding will
support carpentry, masonry, and roof, window, chimney, shutter, and door repairs.
Auto Outing/Tuttle’s Dancing Academy Building
Baltimore City (FY17 Historic Revitalization Tax Credit Program Competitive Commercial Project,
awarded $835,548 in tax credits)
As one of the first retail buildings erected on Taney Place, a fashionable five-block-long
stretch of North Avenue with a landscaped median, the building was originally home to
two luxury businesses: Auto Outing Company on the first floor and Tuttle’s Dancing
Academy on the second. The rehabilitation work completed in FY23 and preserved or
repaired the building’s character-defining exterior features, including the five
original Tuscan concrete columns with ogee arches and the concrete half-timbering.
This project is part of a broader revitalization effort in the area and now serves as
a youth arts center and a center for quality computer science education.
Third Haven Meeting House
Talbot County (FY23 Historic Preservation Capital Grant Program, $100,000)
One of the Atlantic seaboard’s three oldest surviving religious facilities, Third Haven
Meeting House (c.1684) represents the origins and values associated with religious
freedom, and Third Haven is known for its influence on Maryland Quakers' emancipation
efforts. The grant project aims to restore wood elements of the meeting house and to
improve moisture issues.
Architectural and Archaeological Survey of the Westminster Historic
Carroll County (FY24 Historic Preservation Non-Capital Grant Program, $30,000)
The City of Westminster will produce an updated National Register nomination and supporting
documentation for the Westminster Historic District (listed 1980). This work will expand
on topics like the rural free delivery system, the U.S. Post Office program to deliver
mail directly to rural homes and business, and underrepresented histories of Westminster’s
African American, Irish, and Greek communities.
Frederick Town Sites of the Enslaved: Documentation and Interpretation
(Phase I)
Frederick County (Certified Local Governments Program, up to $21,052)
The City of Frederick will use its funding to support the research and documentation of sites
associated with the lives of enslaved persons in Frederick. This work will inform later
phases of interpretation and memorialization of these individuals throughout the city.
The Search for Lord Dunmore’s Floating City
St. Mary’s County (FY23 Historic Preservation Non-Capital Grant Program, $20,000)
The Institute of Maritime History will perform historical research and underwater archaeological
survey to locate and identify any cultural resources related to the Revolutionary War-era
occupation of St. George’s Island and the scuttling of numerous vessels there in 1776.
Project staff will teach IMH volunteers proper archaeological survey techniques,
non-disturbance site recording, research, and report preparation.
Indigenous Archive Project for the Eastern Shore of Maryland
Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties (FY23 Maryland Heritage Areas Program, $50,000)
The Maryland State Archives’ Indigenous Archive Project, Mayis, will conduct oral histories,
increase access to archival materials, offer outreach to teachers, and host educational workshops
to amplify the voices of 21st-century Indigenous communities. This work will expand access to
existing resources in the Heart of Chesapeake Country and Beach to Bay Heritage Areas and
increase awareness of the rich cultural heritage of Indigenous peoples.