Heritage2031, Maryland’s statewide preservation
plan (2023-2031), is an eight-year guidance document for government agencies, nonprofit advocates, and other involved in
historic preservation, archaeology, and cultural heritage throughout the state. To develop the plan and make recommendations
for the future, MHT solicited feedback via open public meetings, focus groups, surveys, stakeholder interviews, and public
comment. Based on this feedback and input from partner agencies and organizations, Heritage2031 puts forward a new set of
goals, objectives, and strategies for preservation professionals in Maryland.
In developing the plan, participants requested information about
resources to support work by,
with, about, and for marginalized communities and communities underrepresented in the historic record. While we have produced
this list to respond to this request, resources such as these may be helpful to all kinds of projects. We have also refreshed
our chart on funding opportunities, which includes
but is not limited to a focus on marginalized and underrepresented communities. These lists will continue to be updated on
MHT's website. If you wish to be included or know of another resource or funding opportunity, please
let us know.
MHT monitors its progress toward the plan’s goals through annual reporting to the National Park Service as well as highlights
in its annual reports. If you have questions about Heritage2031 or wish to share an
update from your agency or organization, please contact Nell Ziehl at
Note: these materials should be fully accessible by screen readers. If you need technical assistance, would like a printed copy
of the plan, or encounter any other issues, please contact Brenna Spray at brenna.spray@maryland.gov.