
Neighborhood Planning Meeting, Easton Neighborhood Planning Meeting, Easton

The Maryland Historical Trust (MHT) engages in planning for historic properties and cultural heritage on statewide, regional, and local levels. MHT may also participate in planning for individual properties where the agency has a formal role, such as a historic preservation easement or via state and federal project review. MHT also supports preservation planning activities led by partner agencies and organizations through grants and technical assistance.

On the statewide level, preservation planning takes place through the preparation and update of the statewide preservation plan. This federally required process, which MHT undertakes every few years, includes broad public input and helps to set priorities for the agency as a whole. Regionally, MHT supports preservation planning for heritage tourism through the Maryland Heritage Areas Program, overseen by the interdisciplinary and multi-agency Maryland Heritage Areas Authority. Through the Weather It Together program, MHT supports the integration of historic and cultural resources into hazard mitigation planning, disaster response and recovery, and climate adaptation.

While MHT's planning efforts help to set preservation priorities and incentivize investment across the state, most preservation planning and regulation happens at the local level, through local historic preservation commissions and planning departments. MHT serves as a resource for those communities and collaborates with partners, including the Maryland Association of Historic District Commissions, to provide training and educational opportunities.