Scout looks at colonial bottle glass found during the merit badge program.
The best way to learn about archaeology is to do it! Opportunities for public
participation abound, both in the field and lab. Try your hand at underwater
archaeological survey, cleaning and labeling artifacts in the lab, or excavating
in the field.
Archaeologists, both here at the state office and at other programs
around the state, are eager to accept volunteers to help with a variety of activities.
In addition to our Annual Field Session in Archaeology (see below), as a part
of the ongoing survey and testing programs at the Maryland Historical Trust (MHT), volunteer assistance is
occasionally needed to help with fieldwork and site visits. There are also workshops,
symposia, and other educational programs sponsored throughout the state every year.
Calling All Scouts!
Join the Maryland Historical Trust for our Scouting America Archaeology Merit Badge workshop! Scouts
will participate in a two-day workshop to help fulfill the requirements of the badge. On
April 26, 2025, a lecture day will be held at the Maryland Historical Trust headquarters
(100 Community Place, Crownsville, MD). The lecture day will include discussions and activities
to complete many of the Archaeology Merit Badge requirements.
Then, join MHT archaeologists and volunteers from the Archeological Society of Maryland for a field
day at the Maxwell Hall Equestrian Park in Charles County, MD. Scouts will have the option to attend
either May 3rd or May 4th to fulfill the required 8-hours of fieldwork. The rain date for the fieldwork
will be Saturday, May 10. Scouts must attend the lecture day to attend the fieldwork day.
Note: Scouts will need to complete Requirement 4 on their own and bring proof of completion to the
workshop. In addition, on April 26, scouts should bring either a family artifact/heirloom or a
1-week inventory of their family's trash, and be prepared to discuss these items with merit badge
counselors to complete Requirement 7b or c. Out of an abundance of caution we recommend that scouts and
parents reserve 8 AM to 4 PM for both workshop days. As we get closer to the event, we will send out
confirmed times with additional information.
This event is free for scouts, but space is limited to 40, so
register today!
Youth Protection: All scouts must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. In lieu of a parent/guardian, one
adult leader may accompany multiple scouts while conforming with Scouting America Youth Protection
Archaeology Field Sessions
This cooperative venture between MHT's Archaeology Program and the Archeological Society of Maryland runs 11 days, inclusive of weekends and the Memorial Day
holiday, and is open to the public. The purpose of the field session is to train lay persons in
archaeological methods and teach Maryland's past through hands-on involvement, while making
meaningful contributions to the study of Maryland archaeology.
For more information on the field session, or on how to join the Archeological Society of
Maryland, contact Dr. Matt McKnight at (410) 697-9572.
Workshops and Symposia
The Office of Archaeology and the Archeological
Society of Maryland co-sponsor two major public programs each year: the Archaeology Workshop
in August/September and the Spring Symposium in April. The one-day-long Workshop in
Archaeology features a keynote address, topical lectures, and hands-on activities related to
the prehistoric, historic, and maritime archaeology of the state. The Spring Symposium, produced by the
Archeological Society of Maryland with logistic assistance from MHT,
is another day of engaging speakers, usually presenting research centered around a particular topic, method,
or archaeological problem.
April is Maryland Archeology Month
Join the Office of Archaeology, the Archeological Society of Maryland, the Council
for Maryland Archeology, the Maryland Commission on Indian Affairs, and dozens of other
organizations and individuals in a statewide celebration of Maryland's
archaeological heritage! Each year during April, the Governor proclaims
Maryland Archeology Month. Events are held almost every day throughout the
state, including archaeological digs open to visitors, archaeology talks, demonstrations
and films, exhibits of archaeological finds, and special events at museums
like St. Mary's City
and Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum.
The Maryland Archeology Month poster and other printed materials are available upon
request. To request copies, or for more information contact
Dr. Zachary Singer, Research Archaeologist at 410-697-9544.