(Farms, livestock, soil conservation) | Becky Roman | Dixie Henry |
Airports | Liz Casso | Dixie Henry |
(Cell towers, public safety towers) | Becky Roman | Dixie Henry |
Corps of Engineers/MDE joint permits |
Shoreline/water/dredging actions | | Troy Nowak |
All other projects | Becky Roman | Dixie Henry |
Defense/Military/Homeland Security/Veterans (Military installations,
testing, security grants,armories, veterans' facilities) | | |
Air Force, Army, Maryland Military, National Guard Bureau | Becky Roman | Dixie Henry |
Homeland Security, Marines, Navy, National Security Administration,
Veterans Administration | Liz Casso | Dixie Henry |
Public Schools | Liz Casso | Dixie Henry |
Colleges/Universities | Liz Casso | Dixie Henry |
(Transmission lines, power plants, electric/gas/nuclear/wind/solar facilities) | Becky Roman | Dixie Henry |
(Mining, timbering, landfills) | Becky Roman | Dixie Henry |
Government Facilities
(Courthouses, post offices, municipal buildings, excess properties) | | |
State owned (DGS) | Liz Casso | Dixie Henry |
Federally owned (GSA) | Liz Casso | Dixie Henry |
Health Care
(Hospitals, mental health facilities, research facilities) | Becky Roman | Dixie Henry |
Housing/Community & Economic Development/Revitalization/Bond Bill
projects (Rehabilitation, new construction, façade grants, community
legacy, and revitalization) | | |
Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Baltimore County,
Calvert, Carroll, Charles, Frederick, Howard,
Montgomery, Prince George's, St. Mary's, Washington | Liz Casso | Dixie Henry |
Allegany, Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Garrett, Harford,
Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, Worcester | Becky Roman | Dixie Henry |
Parks and Recreation (Public park facilities,
playgrounds, sports complexes, grants for park projects) | | |
State and Local Parks (DNR, POS, etc.) | Becky Roman | Dixie Henry |
Federal Parks (NPS) | Becky Roman | Dixie Henry |
Public Safety and Corrections
(Police, correctional facilities, fire stations) | Becky Roman | Dixie Henry |
Sewer and Water
(Water and wastewater treatment plants, distribution and collection lines) | Becky Roman | Dixie Henry |
(Roads, bridges, rail, transit, park & ride lots, transportation enhancement funded projects) | Tim Tamburrino | Dixie Henry |
Wildlife and Conservation
(Wildlife refuges, habitat restoration, wetlands enhancement, acquisition and easements for
conservation purposes) | Becky Roman | Dixie Henry |